Seksikkäimmät musavideot
Posted 11 October 2014 - 16:05
Nicki Minaj'n panostos tällä rintamalla tuskin tulee sen enempää uutisena kuin erään entisen Disney-tähden twerkkailu.
Kerta kaikkisen ärrrsyttävästä diivan imagostaan sekä sitäkin rrrasittavammasta puheäänestään huolimatta, tyttö on kieltämättä yksi pantavimmista paisteista tämän vuosikymmenen parseen pyörittäjiä listattaessa, josta alla oleva video edustaa esimerkkiä kenties konkreettisimmasta päästä. Kuka vittu voi vähempää välittää jostain lapsenpyllyisestä fitnessfasista pystyrumine sixpackineen, irvistelemässä klommoposkineen ja kusetusrusketuksineen, kun tarjolla tällaista:
"Eisenstein does it with cuts, Max Ophuls does it with fluid movement. Chaplin does it with nothing. Eisenstein seems to be all form and no content, Chaplin is all content and little form. Nobody could have shot a film in a more pedestrian way than Chaplin. Nobody could have paid less attention to story than Eisenstein. Alexander Nevsky is, after all, a pretty dopey story. Potemkin is built around a heavy propaganda story. But both are great filmmakers."
Posted 11 October 2014 - 23:41
Traci Lords ainakin näytti tanssahtelevan Helixin videossa. Joku voisi nimetä muutkin pornotähdet, jos niitä tossa oli!
Oliver Reed
Posted 12 October 2014 - 09:35
Helixin videossa mukana tracin lisäksi ainakin Brinke Stevens ja Lynda Wiesmeier. Ihme että tämä sensuroimaton versio on youtubessa :shifty:
Posted 12 October 2014 - 14:01
"Eisenstein does it with cuts, Max Ophuls does it with fluid movement. Chaplin does it with nothing. Eisenstein seems to be all form and no content, Chaplin is all content and little form. Nobody could have shot a film in a more pedestrian way than Chaplin. Nobody could have paid less attention to story than Eisenstein. Alexander Nevsky is, after all, a pretty dopey story. Potemkin is built around a heavy propaganda story. But both are great filmmakers."
Posted 07 December 2014 - 11:08
Posted 31 December 2014 - 01:27
Lähestytään termiä "seksikäs" hieman uudesta kulmasta. Leffan ekstroissahan löytyy kokonainen musavideo, mutta saa tästäkin kollaasista kai jotain ideaa aidosta asiasta.
Posted 09 March 2016 - 00:55
"Eisenstein does it with cuts, Max Ophuls does it with fluid movement. Chaplin does it with nothing. Eisenstein seems to be all form and no content, Chaplin is all content and little form. Nobody could have shot a film in a more pedestrian way than Chaplin. Nobody could have paid less attention to story than Eisenstein. Alexander Nevsky is, after all, a pretty dopey story. Potemkin is built around a heavy propaganda story. But both are great filmmakers."
Posted 06 January 2017 - 18:12
"Eisenstein does it with cuts, Max Ophuls does it with fluid movement. Chaplin does it with nothing. Eisenstein seems to be all form and no content, Chaplin is all content and little form. Nobody could have shot a film in a more pedestrian way than Chaplin. Nobody could have paid less attention to story than Eisenstein. Alexander Nevsky is, after all, a pretty dopey story. Potemkin is built around a heavy propaganda story. But both are great filmmakers."
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